Scarpia's MINIverse

Feel free to browse this site via the menu bar located at the top of your screen to visit our game systems, army lists, battle reports, campaigns, and model conversion sections. There is also a gallery that includes guest models and some of our own images.

Suggestions and submissions are welcomed.

scarpia @ garbo. org


15 APRIL 2009 - While I'm not done with gaming in any way, my interest in it has lessoned to the extent that after a long run, I have decided it's time to close down this site.

I think it best at this time to shut it down, rather than it become as neglected as it has been through a lack of activity..

I have enjoyed sharing my gaming experience with others,and hope that my documented successes and failures have helped others enjoy they're own.

This doesn't mean I am removing the information here ; for the immediate future it and any resources here will be available for those that are interested.

When I started this site, there wasn't much out there to help modelers, especially those who favored the Orks. Now, fortunately for everyone, that's no longer the case. Various forums such as The Waaagh and other great sites like Cool Mini or Not are now prevalent, and frequented by some greatly skilled and talented hobbyists.

And for me? Well, you can find me happily working on the railroad.


18 FEBRUARY 2009 - Da Reapawagon is being shipped off in it's current state for completion, I simply no longer have any interest in working in the 40k Universe. Check the drop down menu for new eBay auctions.

30 DECEMBER 2008 - It's been over a year now since I've quit the Games Workshop coolaide, and things are progressing. I've been assembling models by the lot for the Railroad, and work even continues on da Reapawagon.

25 NOVEMBER 2008 - Work continues on da Reapawagon in the mek shop.

17 NOVEMBER 2008 - Well the past few weeks were busy - not only with interruptions such as Halloween, but our local gaming convention Carnage. The large scale size Last Night on Earth was a success from a gaming standpoint, there were a few technical difficulties during construction that I'll have to resolve before it's used again. Work has resumed on da Reapawagon in the mek shop, and I have ballast down on mini-yard the the test layout.

26 OCTOBER 2008 - Work continues on da Reapawagon (battlewagon) in the mek shop, and I revised the test layout with a new mini-yard.

23 OCTOBER 2008 - There is a new battlewagon in the mek shop. No, Gooba is not "back", he just ran his big Gob, and now has to make good on a promise. His loss might be your benefit.

15 OCTOBER 2008 - The Orc and Gobbo war band continues to stomp merrilly across the battlefield, defeating a 1800 pt Dwarf Army, and a 2000 pt Lizardman force. Highlights of the latter battle not only include the bolt throwers eliminating a mastadon on the first turn (both hit, bot did 3 wounds!) but more entertaining was the Giant dying in close combat, and crushing and killing no less than an unwounded Grimgor himself! It was too funny not to enjoy. This leaves my boyz with a 4-1 record in the league.

30 SEPTEMBER 2008 - A busy week! The Orc and Gobbo war band got smashed by a Chaos force last week, and this past Saturday saw a Flames of War tournament at our LGS, Triple Play. Well my Germans went 0-3 for the day as well. On the bright side, I've begun construction of my Last Night on Earth board for Carnage 11.

18 SEPTEMBER 2008 - Orc and Gobbo forces crushed another army in the Fantasy League, slaughtering a Skink force. Highlight again, was the Giant picking up the Skink General, and hurling him into another unit. That Giant's on a rampage, I tell you!

In other exciting news, the long gimpy arm of Gooba has struck again - this time tagging the GW real life size Rhino at the Great Britian Gamesday 2008!

(1000 pts). Goblin netters proved their strength, and in what could almost be conisdered the ultimate insult, my Giant picked up and ate the Vampire General for the win. Yum - Blood Sausage!

5 SEPTEMBER 2008 - Finally added a page for Blackreach Bob, the new Warboss model I was able to field last weekend.

4 SEPTEMBER 2008 - Got back from a weekend in New Jersey, fighting an Apocolypse battle with some of me old Orky mates. Battle Report and Pictures now posted.

6 AUGUST 2008 - Work continues on the Model Railroad. We also have some corrections on Nate Martin's great document on the differences between 4th and 5th edition of 40k.

17 JULY 2008 - I've finally gotten the battle report up for the Summer Flames of War campaign we just completed last Saturday. On the Model Railroad front, I have the first of the craftsman buiilding kits fully assembled and painted, now it just needs some weathering.

12 JULY 2008 - Wot's Dis? Da boyz on on da Move? That's right, you zoggers, the Konvitkz saw action last night at our local game shop, Triple Play, at an overnight mega-battle to welcome in the 5th edition.We also have a great document put together for you on the differences between 4th and 5th edition by Nate Martin.

But tha'ts not all, we turned around a few hours later and battled the British in the desert in a Flames of War campaign battle. More soon..

10 JULY 2008 - The trains are running, and so is the armor! New models for Flames of War , and the continuation of our campaign this weekend. Check back for a surprise as well!

30 JUNE 2008 - Some real progress on the Model Railroad including a new video.

16 JUNE 2008 - Our summer Flames of War campaign continues with an Axis air assault on Malta.

10 JUNE 2008 - My first decoder conversion in the Model Railroad section.

2 JUNE 2008 - A futuristic based tabletop warfare game that has nice, pre-painted mini's at a fair price? And it has a decent rule set? Sign me up! AT-43 for me!

26 MAY 2008 - Work on the Model Railroad continues, now with some tree content.

20 MAY 2008 - New auctions up on ebay, including an Epicast Stompa! The railroad progresses, with new terrain work, and a couple of completed buildings. We also spent last Saturday at a Flames of War battle for Kursk; we generaled the Soviet forces, and manage to beat back a German assault.

12 MAY 2008 - The Road to Cairo campaign for Flames of War has begun, and it's not a good start for the Axis forces!

10 MAY 2008 - Kr00zA's Great Gargant Hulk! is in transit as we speak to a new owner out west. I look forward to seeing it completed. Also, some new auctions up on ebay, including my grots in progress, and the tau welding helmet mekboy!

4 MAY 2008 - Updates in the Model Railroad area, as work continues on terrain.

28 APRIL 2008- Well no takers for Kr00zA's Great Gargant Hulk so you zoggers had your chance. It's off to eBay for this one. Major updates in the Model Railroad area, as construction is over, and I'm beginning to work on terrain!

25 APRIL 2008- Only two days left for Kr00zA's Great Gargant Hulk! No bids so far, don't let this one get away to eBay, or worse! Dominate your apocalypse battlefield with this monster!

23 APRIL 2008- Added some Fantasy Terrain pieces, as well as a Tomb Kings Battalion box to my ebay listings.

21 APRIL 2008- Updates in the Model Railroad, and Flames of War section.

17 APRIL 2008- More auctions are now up on eBay - GW ork big shootaz, metal grots and mekboyz, not one, but two 2nd edition ork metal dreadnoughts, and a bunch of IG plastic bitz from my bitz box. No takers so far on Kr00zA's , Great Gargant Hulk!, bid now and don't let this one end up on eBay!

13 APRIL 2008- The Auction for is now over, congrats to the lucky owner! Next up, as promised, is a major Kr00za piece - the seldom seen, often forgotten, Great Gargant Hulk! This model just needs more rivets than you can imagine, arms, and weapon load out, and it's ready to crush your enemies. Big? this thing is massive - almost 3 feet tall. It dwarfs my other Kr00zA gargantz, and I was always hoping to have it table ready, but that's not going to happen anymore. My loss is your gain! Good luck!

11 APRIL 2008- Only one more day before the auction for Kr00zA's Fighta Bomma! expires. Look for another Kr00zA item after that! Work continues on the Model Railroad, and I'll be adding more to the Flames of War section this weekend.

9 APRIL 2008- More auctions up on eBay! A Games Day Veteran Sargent, Forgeworld Big Shootaz, a Forgeworld Whirlwind conversion set, Snap-orkz, and a set of assault weapons for the beakies boyz. Look for more in house auctions too, as I have more Kr00za items to go up, as well as - wait for it - Goobaz bitz boxes!

8 APRIL 2008 - The Model Railroad section is now up, as the test layout is under construction.

1 APRIL 2008 - The Flames of War section is now active, but kind of empty at the moment. Look for some more content soon.

31 MARCH 2008- I'm starting the first of one private, silent auctions for some of my models. I'd rather that these go to an ork player, so I'm going to try to avoid eBay at this time. Note that all bids should be emailed to me, and I reserve the right to refuse bids. First up, Kr00zA's Fighta Bomma!

16 MARCH 2008- Had a good day of Flames of War at the local game shop, even got some of my looted allied trucks painted!

13 MARCH 2008- Today's auction - a NIB set of Forgeworld Eldar Firestorm conversion parts! (close up picture here)

11 MARCH 2008- Today's auction - a NIB set of Forgeworld Ork glyphs! (close up picture here)

10 MARCH 2008- Today's auction - a NIB boxed set of Stikkbommaz! (close up picture here)

8 MARCH 2008- The sell off of GW product continues, new auctions up now for two boxes of Tomb Kings Tomb Guard, and a Tomb Kings Chariot Regiment, all NIB.

22 FEBRUARY 2008- Three new auctions up on eBay, an ork wartruckk, space marine scout bikes, and a vindicator squadron, all NIB. For those of my former friends and gamers who took offence at my selling off my items, I hope you find better use for your time. Like modeling, gaming, or something.

12 FEBRUARY 2008- The battlewagon was sold, and has been delivered to the highest bidder, so no krusha. Look for some more auctions starting 22 Feb.

5 FEBRUARY 2008- A few warmachine models actually have paint! Who would have believed it?

4 FEBRUARY 2008- I've had a lot of questions about the ork battlewagon on eBay, so I'll answer a couple of common questions that are getting asked.

No, I'm not selling the wrecka or any of my models that I've worked on. The battlewagon for sale is one that I doubt I'd ever finish, especially as da boyz are retired; I'm not attached to it, and I need to clear out some room for new things.

I will be auctioning off similar models, and a fair number of boxed GW bitz and unopened boxes over the next few weeks when I return from vacation towards the end of this month, so stay tuned! I'll have both fantasy and 40k items up for grabs.

Yes, I would have crushed the model (come on, who didn't enjoy blowing up models with firecrackers growing up) if it went unsold, but as there's a solid bid for it, that's not going to happen.

31 JANUARY 2008- A model is on it's way out, I have put up to a WIP ork battlewagon on eBay. If it sells, fine, otherwise it will be crushed under the wheels of Scarpia's real life wartrukk, Mr. Stub. Not much point in keeping a lot of the models in the shop.

29 JANUARY 2008- I've gotten some games in now in warmachine, and I've added to those models with a Khador heavy jack list.

30 DECEMBER 2007- The warmachine army has been built, based, and primed. I've also taken a few moments to address some feedback i've recieved about the ork codex and my decision to not support it, you can find those here.

12 DECEMBER 2007- Well after a long discussion with Warboss Bob and Gooba, it's been decided that the Killa Konviktz will NOT be played any longer, under the new codex. To put it concisely, the new codex is pure shit, is an affront to the loyal ork gamers, and GW can kiss Gooba'z burna, Bob'z Klaw, and my ass. After a long, long run, the Killa Konviktz will be shelved. They played their last tournament yesterday at Triple Play on the Mall, a full battle report is now posted.

Thanks Games Workshop, for the wholesale killing of my hobby.

What does that mean for the site? Well I'm going to continue with 40k, as I have couple of other armies including a new Imperial Fist Space Marine army that I want to complete. You should also see a bit more Fantasy here, as the Fantasy line seems to be better protected from the developmentally disabled people at GW who create 40k materials (thankfullly it must be that Jervis Johnson's kid doesn't play Fantasy). I am also intending on finishing my early war Flames of War German army, and I will be starting up a Warmachine army as well. I am not, however selling off my models (unless you make a really good offer...).

But no more GW. I will NOT be buying any more GW product if I can help it, other than a few bits to finish out my Marines. I refuse to financially, or morally support Games Workshop any longer, and for those long term readers, you know that I've done more than my fair share of both in the past.

For full details, see my comments here.

5 DECEMBER 2007- I've worked up a new model as a prototype for the new codex orks, per GW's apparent design. More here.

4 DECEMBER 2007- I have a new section up on the new ork codex that is taking effect here. Included is not only a battle report using the new codex list, but also some comments of my own on units.

6 NOVEMBER 2007- Some updated and new thoughts on the upcoming codex.

5 NOVEMBER 2007- A full batrep is now up for the Carnage Megabattle, Orkfest Returns!

3 NOVEMBER 2007- Just finshed up a megabattle at Carnage 10, our local big gaming con. A full report later, but for now a picture to wet the appetite.

21 OCTOBER 2007- With the new Apocalypse rule book coming out, I've begun to create Datasheets for some of my favorite models. First up, is Goobaz Wrecka, and I just added his Mekboy Gargant

22 SEPTEMBER 2007- Just got back from the 'Ardboyz tourney here at my local game shop, a quck non-photo battle report.

12 SEPTEMBER 2007- Sorry for the delay lads, but I have a quick battle report from a Megabattle in late July, more importantly, an unseen Komik - Volume 5, the lost edition - up in the Komiks section. Worse though, is the well substantiated rumors of the new Ork Codex. I have a copy of the text and my comments on this here. Sadly to say, the deathskullz are soon to be dead!

5 JULY 2007 - A quick review of the GW Watchtower model.

27 JUNE 2007 - A new Komik!

25 JUNE 2007 - Shocked yet at all the posts? Well you better be! Today, we have....a new battlefortress! New items in the store! A quick GamesDay report, including some new Minis! But wait, that's not all - new, kustom dice from Chessex!

24 JUNE 2007 - The new battlewagon has been updated, and I just got back from Gamesday, where Gooba left his mark. I'll get a report up in a few days. Gooba also got a new loot, but just a quick picture is all you get for now!

10 JUNE 2007 - Work continues on the new battlewagon, which I've decided to make a convertible battlewagon/looted land raider. And as a blast from the past, work has continued on da PT Krooza!

8 JUNE 2007 - Battle reports from last weekend's tourny are now posted.

4 JUNE 2007 - Two new projects in the works, the first are da Gray Gobz, a kommodo squad for the Killa Konvitkz, and the other is a new battlewagon! The Konviktz also had a so-so showing at a local tournement ths past weekend, stay tuned for batreps.

30 MAY 2007 - Whoa! posting again, who would have thought! Quick bat rep of da Konviktz vs Zorbag's Speed Freakz!

3 FEB 2007 - Work on the new mek's garage continues, and cuts bit into actual mek work. Bob took Zorbag's new mek out to show him the ropes; there should be a bat rep some time in the near future. The Killa Konviktz have also expanded the def squadron, this time in the Areonautical Imperialis realm.

12 DECEMBER 2006 - Thanks for continuing to tune in, even with the lack of activity on the site. Well be gone over the holidays, but hope to be back and activily modeling again after the New Year. Warboss Bob, Big Mek Gooba, and the rest of da Konviktz wish you and yours a great Orkmas, and don't forget to check back in January of 2007!!!

20 NOVEMBER 2006 - Has it really been two months? Yikes. Well not all is quiet on the 40k front, we just finished up a quick tournament last sunday using the new Eldar Codex, and a week ago, concluded the Orkfest Returns megabattle at Camp Carnage. Special thanks to Warboss Nosher, who traveled all the way from MD, and Skragor, who drove up from CT. Check 'em out!

20 SEPTEMBER 2006 - Well you thought I was quiet this summer, but in reality we had a secret project in the works! Now that White Dwarf 321 is out, it's official, and I can finally spill the beans. Check out the M*O*S*H!

11 SEPTEMBER 2006 - Warboss Bobz Killa Konviktz take on the rest of Medusa IV! Batrep now posted.

7 SEPTEMBER 2006 - Well the move to the new house is finally over, and our high speed internet is back on line. As a treat, take a peek at a new character for the Konviktz, Dr. Kneek, who is very much still WIP

23 AUGUST 2006 - The konviktz take on a ton o' marines and sisters with some allies in this latest battle report.

15 AUGUST 2006 - A short non-photo battle report, orks vs 'nids.

1 AUGUST 2006 - A quick review of Games Workshop's new roughcoat spray.

25 JULY 2006 - a new Komik is posted!

18 JULY 2006 - Goobaz mekshop is moving to new physical space, meaning modeling and gaming will be cut short the next few months. Stay tuned though, as we have tons of plans for that gimpy armed mek!

16 JULY 2006 - Important announcement - Goobaz mekshop is shutting down, and we're closing Konviktz Kanyon. More details as they become available.

5 JULY 2006 - Picked up two boxes of the new Kommandoz, more to follow on this as well.

12 JUNE 2006 - Not a lot of new things to post up, as the current projektz are top secret. I realized though, that the Chemplant I did last november was never put up properly, so you can enjoy this for the moment....!

24 MAY 2006 - A new Komik! Bob and da boyz take on Warboss Zorbag's Speed Freaks. The prize? Gooba!

16 MAY 2006 - Gooba and the boyz spent the day at Baltimore's Games Day 2006. Check out the full report here. He took the Kr00zAda to the Golden Deamon, but once again, came up short. Regardless, the models finished and a fine addition to the Konviktz Roster!

4 MAY 2006 - A couple of new items in the store, a coffee mug and black t-shirt!

27 APRIL 2006 - Lots of new stuff. First off, there is a new page dedicated to Warboss Bobz Killa Komiks - the comic book format battle report is becoming a favorite, and as the collection grows it deserves its own section. You can get there either by this link, or through the pull down menu on top. Secondly, after a year of sitting around, the small graveyard fantasy terrain piece is finished! Lastly, some more progress on the PT Kr00za has been made.

19 APRIL 2006 - The Panzee Luuva II is finally finished!

17 APRIL 2006 - Another week, another new project. What is Gooba making now?

10 APRIL 2006 - A new series of Warboss Bobz Killa Komikz are now available for download. They're divided up to keep the download size manageable.

Part I
Part II
Part III

Feedback, as always, is appreciated!

5 APRIL 2006 - A new battle report, as Warboss Bob takes on a rival - Warboss Zorbag Skullsplitta!

30 MARCH 2006 - Well I have a few interesting things for you ladz today! First up is a long over due Mega Armored Gooba. Yup, old Gooba gets his first makeover. But tha'ts not all - we also have a bunch of new Goffs - er - Grots, and a regular mekboy, featuring a welding mask conversion from a tau shoulder pad! What more could any ork ask for?

29 MARCH 2006 - Warboss Bob and Zorbag krush all that opposed them to win the team tournament at Triple Play last Sunday.

22 MARCH 2006 - Congratulations are in order to Connor Schon, a local gamer here in the Lebanon/Hanover NH area. Connor won the Silver Daemon in the youngbloods competition at the 2006 Atlanta GamesDay. Connor's model is a nicely converted Emperor's Champion. Way to Go Connor!

22 MARCH 2006 - Due to some reader feedback, (thanks "Phil"), I have added and Often Bugged Gooba (OBG) question section and a quick re-design of the conversions page - now known as Goobaz Mekshop!

20 MARCH 2006 - da Kr00zAda! is officially finished with construction! We've also started a new unit of Goffs to add to our forces as well!.

16 MARCH 2006 - da Kr00zAda! is now just days away from the paint shop! just a few details left.

14 MARCH 2006 - The Art o' Lootin', first written for The-WAAAGH is now posted here as well.

12 MARCH 2006 - Shocking new (well, shocking because I'm actually working on them again) updates on the Scarboyz, the Panzee=Luuva II, and, of course, da Kr00zAda! I'm also beginning a Flames of War Afrika Korp army, links coming soon.

8 MARCH 2006 - There is a new comic that I produced from the Movie Marines battle of last year. This is a prototype, depending on feedback I may start doing my future batreps in this manner. So please send in your thoughts!

2 MARCH 2006 - Progress on da Kr00zAda!

5 DECEMBER 2005 - A quick diversion into fantasy, as my Dogs of War company attended a 2000 pt tournement. Shown to the left the Alcantari Fellowship defend the city gates from vampire attacks with our priest (mage) lending moral support.

14 NOVEMBER 2005 - Gooba and Bob rolled out the Konviktz this last weekend at Camp Carnage, as they defended Konviktz Kanyon from a massive imperial attack. Get all the details here!

2 NOVEMBER 2005 - Painting is continuing on the Panzee Luuva II, and you should really check out Goobaz mega haul of 2005!

14 OCTOBER 2005 - The falcon based Panzee-luuva II wartrukk is primed, and I've begun some frantic terrain production for carnage. First up are some drift fences, and some random junkyard terrain!

21 SEPTEMBER 2005 - Be sure to check out White Dwarf #309 (North American edition) for a couple of familar models! Both the gobtress, and the ork minefield made in this edition, along with a bevy of awesome ork stuff from The Waaagh!

15 SEPTEMBER 2005 -Warboss Bobz Killa Konviktz are leading the 40k fall leauge at Triple Play with three clean victories - the first against a Kult of Speed list, the second against 13th. Company Space Wolves, and the last against an Ultramarine Army. Preperations are also under way for the Camp Carnage Mega Battle that I am organizing, The Beast, The Builder. Keep checking in on that though, it's a work in progress...

Older news of note:

New England Mega Battle (2005) - Gargant Lil' Krooza - Armored Krumpany! - Salamander Scout Car - large ork fort (the Gobtress) -ork barricades - Vanquisher - Tank Destroyer - Chimera, - Lemen Russ Demolisher - Orkfest II (2005) - T-Shirts now available - looted falcon trukk (da panzee luuva II) - scarboys - a quick tutorial on making burnaz - Mekboy Gargant -




  • Tuesday Gamenights (weekly), Triple Play on the Mall, Lebanon, NH





See Scarpia's 2006 Prospectus!

'ere is dem nasty legal bits:

*opening quote courtesy of Warboss Nosher.

This website is completely unofficial and is in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Dark Angels, Eldar, Games Workshop, Warhammer, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Astartes, Cadian, Catachan, Citadel, the Citadel logo, Codex, Dark Eldar, 'Eavy Metal, Falcon, Fire Prism, the Games Workshop logo, Games Workshop, Genestealer, Slottabase, Immolator, Leman Russ, Mordian, Necron, Ork, Predator, Raider, Ravager, Space Marine, Tyranid, Ultramarines, and a bunch of other words, are trademarks of Games Workshop Limited. Used without permission. No challenge to their status is intended. ©2001-7. This site is the sole work of Scarpia (Thomas Garbelotti) unless otherwise noted. All content not created by Scarpia is copyrighted by the respective copyright holders. A