da Beast, da Builder

12 November 2005, Camp Carnage, Vermont.

Well lads, the big scrap finished up yesterday. It turns out the weedy imperium had their eye on ol'gooba for quite some time (I'm pretty convinced that zoggin' kensai had something to do with it)! and a perfectly nice day to make a few new machines in konvitkz kanyon was upset by their arrival. If the zoggers weren't weedy enough, they ended up enlisting tin'eadz (boy wait until the Inquisitor hears about that!) to try and take down three of Goobaz gargantz.

They amassed the following forces - 5k in tin'eadz (dropped to 3 after turn three), 2k in blood angels, 4k in ultramarines, 2k in 13th company, 2k in 'umies, and another 2k in an 'umie armored company for a total of 17k (again, dropped to 15k after turn three).

Warboss Plasma Toof was hanging out with bob while Gooba was checkin' out his new rig when they struck, and Toof took 2k of the konviktz into battle, along with the Dakka lith. Warboss Zorbag, a local (and who is on the waaagh but hasn't posted yet) fielded 2k in speed freaks, another took the Konviktz armored krumpany (2k) out for fun, and old Gooba and Bob ran the gargants, stompa, Gobtress, and defsquadron for a total of 13k of orky goodness.

Surprise to all, is what is apparently living underneath Konviktz Kanyon.....

Gooba was in the mekshop, and had to make it to the mekgant (goobazgant) before it could start up.

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Bob, likewise, was chatting with Toof in the gobtress, and he also had to make it to lil krooza before it could start.

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the third gargant, bad shoe, was already manned, and it joining the battle would depend on reserve rolls.

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The armored krumpany and speed freaks started as reserves, as well as the def squadron, dakka lith, and stompa. All deployment was hidden, and night fight rules took place on turn one, as it was an early morning raid. Toof took his 2k of konviktz, and started with some hidden, and others in reserve.

The imperials, however, decided to forgo hidden deployment and reserves, and put everything on the table.

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One of Goobaz surprises, was this automated mekbot, a d6 scatter moving machine. Armored like a dread, but armed like a kan (kmb and claw).

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Imperial forces included blood angles who lined up between Bad Shoe and lil'Krooza

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a large 'umie force in front of lil'krooza

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and to their side ultrabeakies

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The imperials won first turn option, and gave it the orks! This would be pivital, as it meant that Bobz and Goobaz transports would only face one turn of shooting before they disembarked, and that would be in night fight!!! Had they taken their first turn, they would have had at least one clear round of shooting ( as it was, da wrecka got destroyed in their turn two by shooting...that would have kept the gargant from running at least one more turn)!

The orks on the table that could, opened fire on the advancing imperials.

The Gobtress unleased it's mega blast twin linked gattling kannons, and fire two shots into the closest juiciest target - that fat blue vindicator, belonging to board member Hacksaw. One massive shell dug up a new trench, and the second one buried itself right into the mass of the vehicle. The best admantium armor from mars couldn't withstand the crude ork (but massive) shell (a six for armor pen, and a six for damage roll!!!), and the vindicator disentegrated in place. 5 Surrounding Beakies would fall as well from the spray of deadly fragments.

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Plasma Toof, feeling a bit adventurous (as after all, these weren't his boyz), charged right into the face of the imperials with grots and kans!

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His goal was a road block, and he played it well. The kans actually got stuck into mulitple close combats before getting destroyed!

Turn two gooba was able to get out of the wrecka before it was destroyed, and made his way up the gantry.

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This was lucky, for at the moment, he was alone on this table, facing 2k in ultramarines, including Magnus Calgar, and the armored company!

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Was he nervous? zoggin' ell no, he was droolin' at all the loot down there!

oi! wotz dis? da zoggerz is bringin' da loot to me!! Well we'll show'em ow'z a propa machine werkz
, as he patted the side of the goobagant.
Next a horrible screach filled the air, silencing the guns for a moment, as a torrent of tyranids (2k!) came funneling out of the sewer in konviktz kanyon! irritated for a long time by the ork rumblings, the battle had finally goaded them into action, and they poured on the battlefield, attacking imperials and orks alike.

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On the other side of the table, the odd alliance between the tin'eadz on the flank and imperium took its toll, as the necron gauss weapons began the incessent pounding on Bad Shoe. Despite Bad Shoe starting up on turn two, and Warboss Zorbagz impressive charges into the tin'eadz with his speed freakz, which not only krumped one warror squad, wounded the character, destroyed one of the three monoliths, and eventually drove off a third of the necron army, the remaining units began the systematic stripping of Bad Shoe. Turn after turn. Bad shoe had fields stripped, weapons stunned, immbolized, you name it!

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Ork reinforcements began arriving, includiding the def squadron, the stompa, and parts of the armored krumpany.

Worse yet for the imperials, is on turn three lil'krooza and goobazgant fired up, and began stompin' forward.

Smelly Emporer's Shorts! The bloody thing is moving! Stand fast brothers!
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The def squadron and the dakka lith began to add their weight of fire. The def squadron lost the bomma, but the fightas were able to take out a lemen russ, a sentinal, and 'umie las gun troops over the course of the day.

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Things were getting desperate in the ork center, and the order came down from Bob to blow the bridge, to keep the armored company bottled up. (Not to mention there were bugs above and below it!)

Multiple shells hit and destroyed two of the bridges strucuture points, and finally a shell from goobazgant smashed it down, killing a few bugs in the process

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gooba, of course, kept cacklin' madly as his mega blast long barrelled gatling zzap gun (the soopa dropppa lifta) began shredding imperial armor.

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Tin'ead J's necron advance was taking its toll, leaving Zorbags spreed freaks decimated, and Bad Shoe reeling with just a big shoota left, and two structure points!!!

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The zoggers had moved into high vantage points to boot!

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With a final groan in turn 5, Bad shoe toppled backwards, it's final structure point stripped by gauss weapons and the mighty machine crashed to the ground.

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With the ork left flank collapsed, the imperials renewed their assault on the center with determination.

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Hacksaw's speeders plugged lil'krooza with multimelta fire, and combined with other las cannon, bassie shells, and mutliple melta gun assaults, lil'kroooza was dropping fields, weapons, and points.

Hacksaw's beakies assaulted into the gobtress, and smashed the door in with powerfists, occuping the structure.

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lil'krooza was down to zero fields and three structure points. The assaults were taking their toll on the gargant, so Bob and his retinue jumped out and charged the imperials, wiping out a 13th company squad, and consolidating into the wolf lord. The wolves counter attacked, and soon fur and green skins were flying.

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Bob and da boyz held on for one round, and actually won the combat, killing 7 wolves to six wounds suffered! Unfortunately, the zoggers held, and in the flash of high powered weaponry...

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Bob was finally pulled down by the nashing teeth of the wolves.

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The imperials made one last push, and brought lil'krooza down to just one structure point.......just one........

one structure point away from Imperial victory.


I'll let Hacksaw, Zorbag, Plasma Toof, and Tin'ead J tell their individual tales of heroics and smack talk. It was a lot of fun, and hopefully we'll see some more orkplayers next year (as with the exception of Zorbagz boyz, This was basically the konviktz vs the 'ooonivers! Konviktz Win! )

The konviktz forces prior to battle


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