Rust Effektz

21 March 2006 - Most of da rigs Gooba whips up end up battered, beat, and lookin' a bit worse for wear after da boyz get a hold of 'em. Rust is another thing da oilerz have ta battle with.

Here's how we represent that.

Step 1: Primer Coat
Step 2- Go over the model with a thinned down coat of vermin brown.
Step 3: The first coat of finish color goes on ,(regal blue here) also very thin. Note that I often do the finsh coats with the model inverted; thes makes the color pool on the top of the model, and leaves the rust showing at the bottom.
Step 4: drybrush of tin bitz
Step 5 - Primary color highlights (in this case, ultramarine blue)
Step 6: Finally, a light drybrush of boltgun metal.
It's really not that tough! Here are a couple of other sample shots of models done with this technique
da Gobtress
Wrecked Truck

I hope you find this usefull. - Scarpia

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