Tau Crisis Suit Conversion

One of the best aspects of the Orks is the ability to use almost anybody's gear - if you can't actually loot it, than some creative modeling allows you to use for something else, like a truck. In that spirit, the Konvitkz, my ork army, are trying to get something from every other army list onto the table.

One look at the Tau Crisis suit, and I was hooked. This would make a perfect Killer Kan!

When you're done here, feel free to check out the rest of the site. and some of the other race completed conversions -

I got the crisis suit off of EBAY for $10.00, it was partly assembed and primed, but neither was a hinderence for our purposes. I also bought a Killer Kan blister, and my goal was to make two Kanz out of the two models. We're only fifty percent there as of this time, so be sure to check back.

The two models mixed up. No concrete plan in mind, just took a slug of a cold adult carbonated beverage, and dug in, like any good Mek!
Everything had to be pinned for the models to work. Legs to body, arms to body, weapons to arms, legs to base, you name it. I even pinned metal to plastic, in order to provide model strength. Pinning is a pain, but well worth it, especially if you use your models to game.
Left crisis suit arm + rokkit launcher - pinned.
Right crisis suit arm + buzzsaw (I got lucky that this was the dreadnought close combat weapon in the blister). I didn't pin this as there is a socket in the buzzsaw, that accepts a shaved down arm perfectly. just cut out around the "fingers" on the arm, and it should fit.
After looking at the model, it seemed too small to fit a real ork, but a couple of grots would fit perfectly. Here we begin the "amputation", as all I wanted was the top half. Don't throw out the legs, as I got a great idea off the 'net (credit goes to Gorfag) and I was able to put them to good use - check it out!
Here is the model with the legs and arms attached. The mix of the legs gives it a off-kilter, dynamic look. Note that I had to break the plastic foot off and re-attach it; if you get an unassembled model this may not be necessary.
The grot commander and a boss pole from the Kan blister get added.
Here's a good shot of the buzz saw, you can see how it fits nicely on the end of the plastic arm. Just barely visable on the back is the motor bitz - I'll try and get a better back shot when it's painted.
Primed for painting.
Partially painted - I did some body parts in bronzed flesh first to represent the "original" owners paint job, and than boltgun metal and tin bitz drybrushes. The orange highlights are army colors, and every rocket needs a blood red head. The grot has been roughed in in Goblin green, and his blood red eye needs to be trimmed down, and his teeth painted.
Here's a different angle, but the flash came off harshly. I do like the way the model is stepping off the base, sort of a nice touch.
A back view. Note the engine "parts" that the mek had to add to make the walker functional.
A 50/50 chestnut ink and water wash (with a couple of scoops of chaos black) helped to blend the model finally a stippling of bronze over some areas added surface "rust".

You were probably wondering wha happened to the rest of the Killer Kan blister - well here it is! dragging' its gimpy tau leg, it struggles along.

Not the best angle, but you can sort of make out the big shooter ammo box on the tau weapon, not to mention the top tau hatch.
The second can also received a similar wash coat, and the bronze rust stipple. Hey, how'd that sneak grot get in the picture?