da ZZap Dragon (Guntrukk)

Dis one is me favorite.  After da boyz were gettin' stompd by da 'umie tanks on Armageddon, we needed somthin' to fight back.  Make us a tank, says Bob. Ok, says me. But I don' like 'umie tankz, slow an' all. So I takez a trukk, gives it a suped up motor I was savin', bits from a 'umie rhino we stripped and a Zzap gun in a turret in the back.  Just fer good measure, a schorcha in the front helps keep the 'umies and other greedy gitz's paws off it.

Scarpia's note: The ZZapp dragon is a custom designed and built model. Based on the new and revised Vehicle design rules, it has 12/12/10 armor, is an agile vehicle, and costs 118 points, with a zzap gun, scorcher, red paint job, and a grot rigger. As we have been using a Kult of Speed Army List lately, we now use it as a guntrukk. We have a new big shooter front turret, and play it as an armored top with extra armor.

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