Hiztory &

"The Orks are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the great struggle is won. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We Eldar who have failed, or the Humans, on the road to ruin in their turn. And why? Because we sought answers to questions that an Ork wouldn't even bother to ask. We see a culture that is strong and despise it as crude."
- From Culture vs. Kultur: Thoughts on Orkish Society by Uthan the Perverse, a controversial Eldar philosopher.

Physiology - Origins - Society - Gods - Myths - The Ork Way - Orks and Chaos - Orks and the Imperial Cult - Art and Musik - Credits

The Orks are a savage and brutal race who love war. Orks are really just the dominant element of a race that includes Orks and their smaller cousins the Gretchins and Snotlings. The Orks are in charge because they are the biggest, toughest, meanest and most warlike of them all.

Gretchins are very much like their larger cousins, but not so big, brutal, strong and tough. But Gretchins are more cunning and clever than the Orks. Snotlings are the smallest and weakest of all. They remain just like a juvenile Gretchin throughout their lives. Orks, being bigger and tougher form the warrior elite. They tell the Gretchins and Snotlings what to do, and do what they like with them. But the Orks also protect and look after the smaller ones. Without the Orks to defend them and scare away their enemies, their fate would probably be far worse at the hands of other races than It is under the Orks.

The Ork
A typical Ork stands about man height, but would actually be taller if he stood up straight. The frame is muscular and robust, and the arms are long and strong, ending in clumsy fingers capable of a vice-like crushing grip. An Ork's skull is thick, with a heavy brow-ridge shading the savage glint of red predatory eyes. The jaw juts forward, and the canine fangs protrude from slobbering lips. The head is naturally bald; indeed, all the Ork kind are hairless. Ork hide is green and tough, bearing the scars of many a fight (not to mention a plethora of scabs and parasites).

When an Ork speaks, it is in a slow, gruff tone. The words will be sparse, brutal and straight to the point. An Ork says what he thinks, and his thoughts are always practical. The Orks have but one philosophy: might is always right. Whether on the giving or receiving end, none of the Ork kind ever doubt this for one moment.

The Gretchin
Gretchins are more numerous than Orks and the Orks are greatly dependent on them (though no Ork would admit this). Orks tend to be lazy and forgetful. Organisation is not their strong point. Only war and preparing for war really bring out their innate natural talents. Most of the day-to-day running of Ork society, such as finding and preparing food, taking messages, finding things out, fetching and carrying, organising things and many other tasks are left to the Gretchins.

The Gretchins are quite happy in this role. They bear no resentment to their Ork masters. To them, Orks are just a fact of life and it is ridiculous to question facts of life. No Orks of any kind ask themselves such stupid questions. Only Humans and Eldar upset themselves with daft notions about the 'reason' for things and such like. An Ork or a Gretchin or even a Snotling knows that a thing is a reason in itself.

Individual Gretchin, by a combination of effort and luck, can enjoy a relatively good existence by providing valuable services for their Ork masters. Most are owned by Orks as personal servants, others through scavenging and looting are able to acquire weapons and equipment.

Enterprising Gretchin find a role as armour bearers, fan bearers, cup bearers and a few may even rise to become their masters' factotums. Others work as water-bearers bringing drinks to thirsty Orks on the battlefield, or operating the great fans that hang in foetid Ork barrack-blocks, providing shade and much-needed draughts of fresh air as well as something for the Orks to kick when the desire comes over them.

The Gretchins have created an entire enterprise culture of their own within the Ork-dominated society. They work every hour of the day and night, snatching a little sleep here and there. Apart from their duties to their masters, many Gretchin operate two or three of their own businesses on the side, such as selling fungus-wine or toasted squigs on sticks, trying to earn a few teeth here and there.

The Snotling
The Snotlings are just like tiny, immature Gretchins. It is believed that they are degenerate descendants of a lost race which was once the most intelligent and dominant among the Ork kind, but which was superseded by the stronger and more brutal Orks. Now the Snotlings are bred and reared by a class of Orks known as Runtherdz. The main function of Snotlings in Ork society is the cultivation of fungi, which are used for food, drinks and medicines. Snotlings also look after the squiggly beasts that live in the Ork cess-pits.

Imperial scholars have speculated that on the Ork world of origin, wherever that might be, there was once another Orkoid race. This race, difficult though it is to believe, was extremely intelligent, arose to dominance in just a few generations, and even created the legendary lost Ork Standard Template Constructs. It was this race, they argue, which must have initiated the Ork expansion into space.

The Snotlings, now a slave race trapped in a juvenile state, are thought to be a remnant of this lost race. The sudden rise of super-intelligent Snotlings can only be explained as the result of a catalyst. Snotlings are symbiotic with fungi, which they cultivate and eat. In the underground cave-systems in which ancient Ork culture arose, it is thought that there was a fungus which caused genetic mutation in the brain. This fungus was gathered and eaten by the simple cave-dwelling Snotlings. Over generations, a diet of this fungus stimulated the growth of the Snotling brain to its full potential. Later, the fungus was cultivated by the mentally-enhanced Snotlings.

The intelligent lost race of Snotlings, known as the Brainboyz, were still diminutive in size, so they bred a race of less intelligent, but tougher and more brutal creatures to fight and work for them. These were the Orks and Gretchins. Gretchins probably represent an intermediate stage in the development of Orks. The Orks were put to work cultivating the fungus. The civilisation of the Brainboyz was expanding beyond the homeworld, but every attempt to cultivate the brain-enhancing fungus on other worlds met with failure. The fungus would only grow in the dank cave-systems of the ancient homeworld of the Orks. This meant that the far-flung outposts of Brainboyz were dependent on shipments of fungus from the homeworld. Sometimes these shipments would go astray and not get through. If a community of Brainboyz was cut off from the supply for many years, a new generation of mentally undeveloped Snotlings would fall under the domination of their former slaves, the Orks. This must have happened time and time again throughout the galactic empire of the Brainboyz until Ork-dominated communities began to predominate. The final collapse of the civilisation of the Brainboyz occurred on the homeworld itself.

Here, the Orks who were put to work harvesting the fungus began to wonder why they were being told what to do by such diminutive creatures. The Orks were not allowed to eat the fungus they were harvesting for the Brainboyz. Instead the Brainboyz fed them on squiggly beasts. Naturally this made the Orks think there must be something special about the fungus. So instead of harvesting the fungus, the Orks sat down and ate every toadstool, mushroom and puffball down to the last spore. It was a disaster for the Brainboyz. They found the bloated, slobbering Orks, but not a trace of fungus remained.

The fungus had no effect whatsoever on the Ork brain, because Orks are not symbiotic with fungus. For the Orks it was no more than a big feast; for the Brainboyz it was a tragedy from which they never recovered. Throughout their empire, the Brainboyz died out. Their offspring never developed intelligent brains. Instead the succeeding generations of Snotlings remained mentally retarded, trapped in a pre-juvenile state. They became the mischievous, playful creatures they are to this day, content to frolic in the Ork cess-pits, catching squiggly beasts.

The Orks on the other hand, found themselves in charge. Their brains were not enhanced, but they were now the most intelligent and capable of their kind. Ork civilisation, though crude and harsh, succeeded the civilisation of the Brainboyz throughout the universe.

It is very difficult to reconstruct this phase of Ork history, because the Orks are extremely reluctant to talk about it. The story has to be pieced together from Ork legends which have passing references to Brainboyz and give glimpses of a time when the Orks were not in charge.

With Ork society now dominated by its strongest and most brutal elements, Ork civilisation is faced with a major problem: the maintenance of technology. However, the warlike Orb have found the obvious solution: slaves. Apart from the Mekboyz, who are Orks with an innate talent for technology, Orks rely on enslaved Humans and other aliens in their slave workshops and factories and, more important, on tribute exacted from vassal alien communities. This tribute is paid in the form of armaments and technology. Sometimes whole communities and planets are occupied and put to work making armaments. An incident of this kind occurred some time ago on Necromunda, an Imperial Hive World. An Ork tribe captured and occupied three hivecities and was only cleared out after a vicious war which resulted in the destruction of the hives.

Orks live on innumerable worlds. On some worlds they dominate, on some they live in a state of war with the other inhabitants, on some they rule as overlords. There are Ork realms, Ork empires and migrating Ork hordes roaming through space aboard space hulks. Wherever you go in the universe there are Orks. This is Orkdom, the domain of the Orks.

The Ork expansion into space from their home world is perhaps the greatest and most significant accident in Ork history. Ork expansion occurred sporadically, giving a completely random pattern of settlement throughout the galaxy. In other words, an Ork domain or a migrating tribe could turn up anywhere.

And this is exactly what has happened, Orks are to be found throughout the known universe and probably throughout the unknown universe as well. The Eldar say that the Orks have become part of reality itself, or as the Orks say 'We are the Orks, we're 'ere 'cos we're 'ere, enuff said'. Millennia ago, a probe was sent out from Terra. Its mission was to reach the utmost limits of the universe. The Techpriests who built it hoped that one day it would arrive back to its place of origin having circumnavigated the universe, or in other words, skirted the edge of reality. This probe is still sending back signals after fourteen thousand years adrift. The signals are faint and the probe is not yet on its way back, if it ever will come back. To the utter despair of the Imperial Techpriests who constantly monitor the incoming signals, many are identified as Orkish. The depressing conclusion for mankind can only be this: that wherever they go, the Orks will always be with them.

The universe is Orkdom...

Ork expansion was only made possible in the first place because of their discovery of the principle of the force field and teleportation. Once force fields and teleporters were understood, the Orks found them easy to replicate. The principles of force field and teleporter technology, once learned, are elementary, like those of the wheel, writing or baking bread. When you don't know, you don't know, but when you do know, you can't imagine ever not knowing because it is so obvious. They are the foundations of civilisation which take a race thousands of years to develop, but which take an individual only a few days to master once the secret is known.

If a force field can keep things out, it can also keep things in. Force fields are used to trap air in a sort of bubble around whatever object the Orks choose to use as a space 'raft'. Then they wait. They wait for a sighting of one of the great drifting space hulks or other bits of space debris streaking across the sky, just touching and bouncing off the upper atmosphere of a planet. Then using a simple matter transmitter, they latch on to the drifting object, hitching a lift so to speak. They have no idea where they are going, and are led only by their own sense of adventure and recklessness.

Once on board the drifting hulk, it is enclosed a force field with its own trapped bubble of atmosphere. These hulks tend to drift through space on metaphysical arcs, following a current through both real space and warp space. This means that the Ork passengers could end up anywhere in the universe. Of course, where they end up is completely random and unpredictable and often a nasty surprise for the local intelligent life forms. Over the millennia, Orks have tried to direct or even plan their journeys, using the talents of their Shamans, the Ork psykers known as Weirdboyz, to navigate as best they can using whatever scraps of lore and myth that has been handed down about the space currents. Tribes manage to direct themselves to specific places from time to time, but uncertainty of destination remains a perpetual hazard.

Ork Communities
As a result of the erratic process of Ork space travel and their urge to seek adventure wherever it may take them, Ork communities are scattered throughout the universe. Each community considers itself to be either a tribe, or a confederation of tribes united temporarily under a great warlord. A tribe can at any time be wandering in space, settled on a planet, isolated from other races or in contact with them as enemies or overlords. Every tribe will include a motley random collection of Ork clans and castes. It is these clans and castes which make up the astonishing, rich texture of Ork society.

All observers agree on this one point - Ork culture is uncouth. Whether they are Humans who love order and stability, Squats who love honor and tradition, or Eldar who love art and taste, they all look upon Orks as the untamed barbarians of the universe. As for the Orks, they don't care. They take one look at Humans, Squats, and Eldar and dismiss them in three words: weak, weeny, and weedy. Orks have Kultur, which is something that these pretentious, haughty races just can't appreciate.

Orks and the Ork Way are strong and powerful forces in the universe. Orks are a highly successful race; they seem to be able to survive, expand, and prosper almost effortlessly in comparison to struggling humanity. The Ork character, which is strong and virtually invulnerable, has its reflection in the warp in the form of the mighty, belligerent, and boisterous Ork gods. Known Ork gods include two legendary heroic deifies commonly called Gork and Mork.

An idea of the appearance of the Ork gods can be gained simply by looking at the Ork Titans (known as Gargants); they are constructed in the image of the Ork gods. The Mekboyz who build them work from a vision held within their imagination (usually inspired during times of Waa-Ork). They try to create something that represents the essence of Orkishness in mechanical form.

A Gargant is consequently both the ultimate war machine and a religious idol. These great machines behave very much like Ork gods - they lumber about, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. They go exactly where they please, striding from planet to planet, and they never shun a fight. In some myths, the gods are felled and broken into pieces. Then, millions of Orkoids swarm out and put the god back together again. In Ork mythology, the two gods Gork and Mork regularly confront the Powers of Chaos and the gods of the other alien races. Gork and Mork are never defeated, they simply shrug off the blows of the other gods and laugh at them. Then Gork grins, bears his teeth, and lands a mighty blow on the head of his adversary with his gigantic club. Similarly, Mork, the meter of low cunning, clobbers his foes when they aren't looking.

It is not surprising that the Ork gods are seen triumphing over Chaos Powers, because in battle, the Ork Weirdboyz triumph over their daemonic and Human servants. Daemons and psykers are frequently laid low by the psychic attacks of the Weirdboyz. The psychic energy of the chanting and stamping Ork warriors can be focused by the Weirdboyz to banish and destroy such vaunted foes. As far as the Orks are concerned, these minions of Chaos have been withered by a blast of pure Orkishness. When the Orks see the terrors of Chaos wilting before their own loveable gibbering Weirdboyz, they lose all fear of the warp, secure in the belief that Orkishness can vanquish anything.

Commonly Known Ork Myths

The Hunt

Gork and Mork go looking for a gigantic Squiggly beast and find it at the bottom of a huge cesspit. Also at the bottom of the cesspit is Nurgle, who has eaten all the Snotlings. Gork and Mork clobber Nurgle so hard that he spews up all the Snotlings who are still alive. Nurgle shrinks and becomes a Squiggly beast. The Snotlings then turn the Squig into a feast for Gork and Mork. This myth clearly represents the Ork triumph over Nurgle. The Orks have no fear of the realms of Nurgle, and happily thrive on Squiggly beasts that breed in their cesspits.

'Ere We Go

Gork and Mork look up into the, sky and see another planet shining among the stars. Mork challenges Gork to knock it down with his club. Gork hurls his club for all his worth, but forgets that it's tied to his wrist. The club sails toward the planet with Gork following after. Mork grabs hold of Gork and goes as well. This myth represents the adventurous, care-free character of the Orks and their ability to travel through space.

The Orks have a far healthier attitude to life than other races, and are better able to cope with the realities of a harsh universe. Their secret is that they simply don't care. The Orks simply follow the natural life that they are so well adapted for - wild adventure, warfare and early deaths. They don't try to influence their own destiny and then get frustrated when the plans don't work out as expected. They don't look for something to blame (except perhaps the nearest Gretchin or a hated rival clan who had nothing to do with it anyway) and certainly do not reflect on weaknesses in their own way of doing things. They just try again a different way (mainly because they have forgotten how they did it the last time}. Thus the Orks make remarkable progress by trial and error, without counting the cost, while other races steeped in high-flown philosophy simply fall into the same traps time and again, doomed to stagnate and decline (or get conquered by the Orks).

Every Ork knows vaguely that when he finally falls upon some stricken field (the majority of Orks meet their end in battle), his soul will merge with the mighty Ork war gods in the warp. He will become a crewman for the great ethereal Gargant in eternity. He has nothing to fear from the ravenous soul-eating gods that other races grovel to in terror. The Ork gods will protect him. Orks happily accept this destiny. It is a fitting end for a warrior Ork to become one with the great immortal warrior spirit of the Orks.

The purpose of life is never questioned. For an Ork, whatever he is doing at the time is meaning enough. Orks do not have many worries and do not even know what an aspiration is. Very few Orks are ambitious. If an Ork observes that others around him are taking notice and doing what he says he will just exploit the situation as far as he can. In this way he might end up as a warlord without ever having set out to gain power. This is probably why the handful of Orks who show qualities of leadership rise so quickly and why the intellect of an Ork chieftain isn't a crucial qualification in wielding power in Ork society, though low cunning is exceptionally useful.

There is no predilection for Chaos among the Orks; indeed, Orks are much less likely to turn to Chaos than Humans or other races. This is due to the fact that the Ork race is relatively stable and content. There is little psychic stress or angst among the Orks, which leaves virtually no avenue through which Chaos can invade their minds. Some races confuse Orks as being evil and thus synonymous with Chaos. This is a misunderstanding on their part, however.

Orks are not inherently evil; neither is Chaos. Likewise, Orks do not naturally or consistently affiliate with the forces of Chaos. Orks simply live by the crude survival-of-the fittest principles that pervade the universe. Warlike civilizations, such as that of the Orks, simply reflect these survivalist principles all the more. By the same token, Chaos is neither good nor evil; it simply mirrors the survivalist emotions of intelligent beings in the real universe. Thus, predatory powers of Chaos, be they deities or daemons, exist because living things generate these emotions.

By analogy, there are gargantuan Ork powers in the warp -powers that are the reflections of the Orks' cheerfully irresponsible and warlike nature. At the same time, it is possible for Orks to overindulge their taste for militarism and bloodshed, which will ultimately lead them to Khorne. Indeed, Khorne does feed on these aspects of Orkish character; this shows in the very face of Khorne, which has markedly Orkish aspects.

Most of their enemies would agree that Orks lack many of the finer qualities found in the various races of the universe. Not surprisingly, Orks have no second thoughts about fighting alongside servants of Chaos, especially in return for pay or loot. Orks are not easily impressed by Chaos, since a typical Ork raider is likely to be exposed to manifestations of Chaos as he rampages about the less orderly parts of the galaxy. He is also less liable to be tempted by lure of Chaos power and sell his soul than many other races. This is in contrast to the unfortunate Humans who live in ratholes of hive worlds or desperately trying to build civilizations in inhospitable environments. These suffer from the stress of day-to-day survival. They become suspicious of the unknown and begin to look inwardly to find irrational explanations for their problems and misfortunes.

The Orks have heard of the Emperor of Humanity. They know that Humans worship him as a deity and have seen his shrines and icons on many worlds. Orks regard the Emperor as the war god of the Humans. The Emperor is something which they can easily understand since their own gods are war gods. They see the Emperor as the controlling power of vast armies, great fleets and awesome military technology. The fact that his servants are all weedy 'oomans does not alter the impression made on the Orks of the Emperor as a powerful war god.

The Emperor is even sometimes considered of almost equal status to their own gods, because the Orks, being a warrior society, respect and admire tough opponents. Orks raid and rampage throughout the Imperium, but the Emperor is still there. For thousands of years he has commanded the loyalty of his followers and sent them into battle against the Orks.

There are even some Ork legends in which the Emperor appears as a titanic caricature of Human kind, to challenge the Ork gods to battle. For most Orks, the Emperor is envisaged as a vague, remote and ancient power who motivates his long-suffering followers to take on irrational and pointless tasks which make no sense to the Orkish mind. Like his Human servants, the Emperor appears doomed to do everything the hard way or the wrong way from the Ork point of view. The stress and despair which the poor Humans seem to bring down upon themselves is yet another cause of wonder to the Orks. Not surprisingly the Orks use the word 'ooman (Human) as a byword for things that are silly, pointless or impractical, and will often crack jokes about the Humans and the Emperor.

Ork hovels and strongholds are often decorated with wall paintings or carved glyphs. Clan or family insignia may be painted or carved on the outside of a building, usually over the door lintel. Inside, the most important rooms (such as the Boss Ork's chamber or a warlord's throne-room) are decorated with wall paintings. These usually depict legendary battles of the past or prestigious deeds of the boss or warlord. The scenes are accompanied by borders of Orkish glyptic or runic script, which tell the tales of the events depicted.

The chambers of Weirdboyz often have scenes from Orkish mythology, while the chambers of Mekaniaks may have scenes depicting the construction of Gargants during some legendary Waa-Ork of antiquity. Ork wall paintings follow a distinctive Orkish artistic style related closely to their glyptic script and traditional heraldry. Bright and striking colors are favored. Most Orkish art is created by Gretchin, who have considerable artistic talent and agile hands.

As well as wall paintings, Orks also produce monumental sculptures. These often take the form of a colossal statue of the Ork gods of war, or of a great warlord. These massive statues are painstakingly carved by teams of Gretchin, and are made from the best materials to hand - usually stone or petrified wood.

Statues are set firmly into the ground in an upright position~ and used to mark the boundaries of Ork domains. Pairs of statues are also used to flank the doorways of strongholds, and are often placed in prominent locations around the settlement as a statement of the Orks' territory. Following an Ork invasion, the sculptures axe set up in conquered territories to intimidate and impress subject races.

Orkish art is not restricted to buildings and banners - it appears on their vehicles and spaceships in the form of painted glyphs, cast metal sculptures, banners and pennants. The interiors of space hulks belonging to nomadic warlords are just as likely to be decorated as an Orkish stronghold built on firm ground.

Ork music goes beyond the playing of Squigpipes and the rhythmic chanting used in battle. Ancient and traditional Ork music is still performed by Ork shouting choirs. The shouting choir involves the participation of thousands of Orks, who assemble in a valley or canyon for the best acoustic effects. The choir is organized into family and clan divisions. Each division shouts a single word, such as "Waa" or "Ork", in a particular octave. Gretchin and Snotlings are used to achieve high notes and there are plenty of Orks who can achieve low notes. The Ork conductor, often an eccentric Weirdboy or Madboy, composes the musik himself. He then stands in the midst of the choir and conducts each group to shout their note in turn. The resulting "music" can be heard for miles as it fills the air with echoes.

Ork Warlords occasionally use this music to terrify enemies before battle, thus leading them to think the Ork army is ten times larger than it is, or that reinforcements are on their way, singing as they march. There is even one legend that claims that the wails of an enemy stronghold were toppled by the sound of an Ork shouting choir. Some Ork composers have even incorporated the sound of live gunfire into their compositions.

Progressive music is largely the domain of the Mekaniaks. They have the technical skill and apparatus for recording, sampling, synthesizing, and mixing. They record battle chants, the squirl of Squigs, shouting choirs, and even sounds of battle. Meks with musical inclinations blend these sounds into their own discordant compositions, then blare them out on loadspeakers for the entertainment and delectation of their fellow Orks. Such popular events are known as Koncerts. The style of music currently in vogue with most Meks is known as Rokk. The most progressive Meks in the field of Orkish musik are those of the Goff clan, who specialize in the eerie sounds of Goffik Rokk. Another popular style incorporates the sounds of machinery, gunfire, and live recordings of Gargant construction; this style is known as 'Eavy Metal. Great warlords have been known to commission works from notable Mek musicians. Many of these musicians earn a considerable sum of teeth from their compositions, as well as from the sale of recordings. Meks also construct miniature sets of headphones and portable playing devices so that Orks can listen to musik as they wander about.

Orks have many other strange musical instruments in addition to Squigpipes. Squigpipes are inflated with air and squeezed to produce a loud wailing sound. Other instruments include the Glokenskul, which is a glockenspiel consisting of a row of multi-sized skulls. These are tapped with a bone to give notes of varying pitches. The glockenskul produces a strange, hollow sound. Musical Squigs of various sizes are used to make Squig organs, which produce resonant warbling sounds. Drums are made from stretching dried skin over an Ogryn cranium.

'Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go,
'Ere we go, 'ere we go, throo the cosmos.
'Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go,
'Ere we go, 'ere we go, throo infinity.
'Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go,
Don't know where 'til we get there.
- Orkish space chant - intoned when hitching onto space hulks.


This work was taken from

Dasleah Calin Desai [http://pub39.ezboard.com/fthe41stmilleniumfrm7.showMessage?topicID=6.topic]

The Ork Race by Bryan Ansell & Nigel Stillman (White Dwarf 118) [http://www.criticalhit.co.uk/w40krp/WD118_Ork_Race.shtml]

No challange towards the original author(s) is in anyway intended.
